If you want to relieve your fatigue, improve your concentration, calm your soul and maintain your balance, you should try Solah Bowo! It is the unique habit of the people in Padhepokan Seni Tjipta Boedaja.
Pic 2. (This is me while doing solah bowo with my friends)
A few days ago, my friends and I who took the Research Method course, went to Padhepokan Seni Tjipta Boedaja for 3 days and 2 nights under the guidance of Ma’am Pur Kusumaningtyas. During our ‘live-in’ there, we did many exciting activities, such as learning to play gamelan, watering chili plants, and the most fascinating and captivating activity was doing a meditation called Solah Bowo. Pak Sitras Anjilin, as a leader of Padhepokan Seni Tjipta Boedaja, developed Solah Bowo. Solah Bowo itself is a movement meditation. We are free to move our bodies as we wish. In solah bowo, we close all the holes (the passions that exist in our body), our eyes are closed, the nose tries not to smell anything, and the ears try not to hear anything.
Pak Sitras Anjilin emphasized that there are 8 elements that surround us (near and far), there are: fire, wind, sky, water, earth, sun, moon, and stars. According to him, these eight elements already exist in our soul bodies, but if we don't use our feelings, we can't use these elements. There is no place limitation to doing solah bowo, just as comfortable as we are. The important thing is that we could position our bodies as comfortably as possible when we were sitting or standing. Solah bowo must be done in a conscious state, the sound of a singing bowl, the sound of the wind, water, or the chirping of birds can be used to maintain this awareness. While we were in Padhepokan, we did solah bowo at the Pendopo and at the Maria Tuk Ing Katentreman Cave.
Personally, I feel more comfortable and calm when doing solah bowo outdoors, like in the Maria Cave. I imagine that I and nature are best friends. I felt my body moving with the wind and the sound of the water splashing in the Maria Cave. It's not that I'm not comfortable doing solah bowo indoors, it's just that when in nature the atmosphere is more beautiful, calming, and peaceful. Solah bowo was a new thing for me and my friends and until we returned to Salatiga, it left beautiful memories in our hearts. Actually, Padhepokan Seni Tjipta Boedaja's community, doing solah bowo is neither a necessity nor an obligation, but the right choice when you want to look for serene vibes in the midst of your hectic daily life. So, are you interested in doing this?